Senior Classroom

Promoting our School with Animation
Learning all about Tornadoes
Why not learn all about Tornadoes especially with the stormy weather we have had! Have a look at some of the tornadoes we made in a jar. The children are currently working on making videos to present their research and findings.

New Year Resolutions and New Year Goals
The children have been working on their New Year Resolutions and Goals this month!

Monochrome Art and Mono-Printing
The children were learning about Monochrome painting this week – using the one colour, mixing and creating different shades of that colour! They also used paper of similar shades to create Picasso inspired collages. We then tried our hands at some mono-printing using q-tips to draw autumn leaves. Their work turned out fantastic and we learned loads along the way. Well done everyone!

Mindfulness with Mála
The children in the senior room enjoyed an in-class webinar on how playdoh can help us with our well-being and mindfulness . Look at the lovely creations the children made. Mála can be very calming and therapeutic. Give it a try! Bain triail us!

Roald Dahl and DOT Day
We celebrated Roald Dahl Day drawing some of our favourite characters and writing all about Roald. We enjoyed listening to The Twits story and watching Matilda the musical.
We celebrated international DOT Day, creating our own unique marks, watching author PH Reynolds design his own dots and using augmented reality to make our dots come to life.

Mothers Day Art
We hope everyone had a lovely weekend celebrating Mothers Day. Well done to the senior room on their lovely gift they made for home.

Carnew Musical Society Art Competition
Well done to some of our students who won tickets to the drama festival here in St Brigid’s Hall for their creative art work promoting the festival.

Valentine’s Art & Blackout Poetry
The children enjoyed a webinar on making a Snoopy Valentine’s Day Cards and learned about Kandinsky’s style of Art. We replicated one of his pieces to showcase love for Valentines.
With our visiting author the children created blackout poetry and they turned out fantastic. Well done everyone!

Badminton Blitz 2023
The children in the Senior Room really showed off their badminton skills today in Roundwood. All their practice paid off. Thanks to Mrs O’Driscoll for teaching the students rules and skills of badminton over the previous weeks. We had a super day out with 6th Class from Scoil Aodán Naofa too. Well done to all involved – Badminton Ireland and Wicklow LSP.

St. Brigid Day Activities
The children enjoyed a very informative webinar by Caroline Busher all about Saint Brigid Folklore. Did you know her favourite animal was a fox and her favourite season was spring? The children really enjoyed making a different version of a Saint Brigid Cross.

Celebrating International Lego Day
The children had great fun doing a STEM Challenge using Lego to celebrate International Lego Day. Their task was to work in groups, from both classrooms, to design a wind mill. The objective was for their wind mill to move when in the wind. Check out how well they all did and how great they worked together in their different groups!

Greenschool Codes: Global Citizenship: Marine Environment
Go Green to help our planet, to fix this we have to plan it. Don’t take it for granted. The icebergs are getting slanted. The ocean is in danger, This is Major!
Go green to help our planet, Plastic bottles – we will ban it! Go green to keep clean, Lets work to save our marine!
Let’s go Green, we need to be seen. We’ve got to plan it, to save our planet! Seals, sharks and whales, all the fish that have tails. Save the beautiful Coral Reef.
At the beach pick it up, without a fuss. Come on! Do it with us. Don’t give the animals up!

Report Writing on Predators
The children are reading and learning all about report writing. Have a read and enjoy some of their writing on Predators. 5th and 6th class conducted an interview style report where they told the audience all about Anacondas.
Visit to Carnew Mart
The children learned some very valuable information about Farm Safety from Agri-Aware. Did you know Tractors are the most dangerous thing on the Farm? Did you know a cow with her newborn calf is the most dangerous animal on the Farm? Huge thank you to the Mart, Agri-Aware and Candy’s. We were treated to food and goody bags. We look forward to entering the Art Competition next!

Science Week Fun
The children in the Senior Room had great fun experimenting with electricity, creating electrical board games. We had fun making slime, playing with magnets and making magnetic games!

Halloween Poetry
We learned all about Limerick Poetry and had great fun writing our own Limericks based on the theme of Halloween. We hope you enjoy:
There once was a vampire called Tim, Who went to a very small gym. Then up came Frankenstein, who wen up his spine, and then he fell in the bin!
There once was a witch with a cat, She also had a tall pointy hat! She cooked in her pot, in a while it will rot. She drank it all and became fat!
There once was an old witch called Ninny-Bat, Who looked like a huge, big, fat rat! When she flies in the sky, she sings bad lullabies, And owns a dirty multi-coloured hat!
There once was a long, hairy spider, who looked like a crazy hand glider. He made a big web, went off to his bed, And felt he was 10 times lighter!
There once was a scary, black cat. His best friend was Larry the rat. Loved to scare the witch, they slept in the ditch, The witch fell and landed on the mat!
There once was a spooky, scary cat, Who loved to fly on his magic mat. He would always see a cow, that ugly cow loved to bow, So the cat decided to steal hats!
There once was a scary, ugly ghost, He loves to eat toast with his roast. He ate some nice food, so he went to the loo, Then went to go get his silly post!
There once was a scarecrow named Jim, He was made of rubbish and tin. He had a small brain, the size of a grain, And now he lives in a bin!
There once was a cat called Mrs Bat, She sat on a mat with Bill the cat. She gave Bill a kiss, it was a big risk, And Bill ran away towards his flat!
Project Work
The children have been working so hard the last month learning about the history of Carnew, Carnew Castle, The Romans, Animal adaptions and much more. Have a look at their fantastic work!

Welcome back to School 2022/23
The children in the senior room are delighted to be back to school. Best wishes to everyone for a successful, fun year ahead.

Amazing Class Work
The children in the senior room have been learning about animal adaptions and natural features of Ireland. We celebrated Roald Dahl Day and International Dot Day. Watch this space for some more amazing work.

Creative Schools Art Workshop

Trocaire Game Changers Project 2022
The boys and girls have worked so hard the last few weeks working on their board game project in association with Trocaire and the Global Goals. We saw some great innovative ideas and fantastic group work. Well done everyone.

St. Patrick’s Day Art
Stencils, paint, chalk and sponges: our shamrock art turned out beautiful!!

“Think like an Engineer” webinar with Microsoft Ireland
The senior room enjoyed learning about engineering, writing algorithms, solving problems, following instructions and making a dog house that would survive an earthquake (a shaking school table).

International Women’s Day
The children read stories today about Amelia Earhart, Michelle Obama and Greta Thumberg. We drew pictures of women and wrote about how they inspire us. #breakthebias

Amazing Data Work

Have your heard the saying “Opposites Attract”? We’re learning about magnets in school and designed and created our own magnetic cars/bugs. The children had great fun working in teams and helping each other.

Children’s Mental Health Week
We had great fun designing our “Grateful Jars”. We wrote all the things we are thankful for and put them in our jars. We also made water bead stress bags to promote calmness and mindfulness in our class. Remember always talk to someone if you are feeling down.
We are also counting out steps each day to raise money for Pieta House. We are working very hard to achieve our Amber Flag this year. Getting out in the fresh air and keeping fit is great for our mental health. Well done everyone.

Valentine’s Day Art

Picker Pals
We found loads of hidden rubbish around the school grounds. Please don’t throw litter and if you see it pick it up. We are thrilled with our Picker Pals pack to help us clean up our community.

St. Brigid’s Day
3rd-6th Class put great effort into making St. Brigid Day crosses and learning about how it was celebrated years ago in Ireland.

Writing Reports
The children are enjoying reading informational texts and writing reports on subjects that interest them. We are encouraging everyone in our school and community to go plastic free also.

Cameroon – Geography
The children have read and researched all about Cameroon. They created posters with all the facts they have learned.

Read, Read, Read
This week we have been discussing our favourite books and recommending books to our friends to read. We also wrote book reports and presented them to the class.
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends.
Charles W.Elliot

Students of the Week 12/11 and 19/11

Remembrance Day
The children created origami poppies in remembrance, today 11th Nov, of all those who died during the war. Peace is in our hands!

Student of the Week 5/11/21

X-ray Hands
This week we were learning about the skeleton. We created X-rays of our hand and wrist bones using oil and q-tips. The oil makes the bones look translucent when the light shines through them.

Halloween Art
We drew some pumpkins and designed them using zentangling techniques. We used acrylic paint for our background, starting off light and getting gradually darker as we reached the outside of our page.

Picker Pals
We are super excited to receive our Picker Pals box today! Watch this space!

Student of the Week (15/10/21)

Well-being Week
The children discussed World Mental Health Day and decided on activities we could do if we are feeling stressed or worried. We practiced some zentangle patterns as a method to distress and rid some worries we might have. The children will enjoy Well-Being Wednesdays with no homework. Their tasks are to do something they enjoy from the list we created.

Student of the Week 8th Oct 2021

Space Week Art and Slime
The senior room had great fun making space slime using glue and a liquid detergent activator. We added paint and glitter to make it look like space slime.
We also created perspective drawings of ourselves falling from space. Well done everyone.

All about Algeria
The children have been learning about Algeria. They researched animals that come from Algeria, created fabulous pictures and wrote facts about their chosen animal.

Vincent Van Gogh
3rd to 6th Class have been learning about The famous Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh. We found it very interesting that he cut off his ear. He like to travel and ended up living in France. You can see his paintings in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. He died at the age of 35 not knowing how famous his paintings would be.
We recreated his famous painting “Starry Night”. The children’s paintings turned out fantastic.

Student of the week (24/09/21)

Interview with David Walliams
The children enjoyed a vey informative and creative webinar today with an interview of David Walliams. The children were very excited to see one of their favourite authors giving us advice on reading and writing. We have started our own version of World’s Worst ————-. The children will write their own story and we will compile them together to make a class book.

Student of the week (17/09/21)

Science Investigation
Do seeds need sunlight to germinate? We designed a fair test using seeds, tissue, water (warm and cold). The variable we changed was the water temperature and sunlight. We will observe the seeds over the coming days and weeks to see what seeds will germinate quicker.

Some work from the Senior Room this week (15/09)
The children have been working hard this week learning about Trees. They worked collaboratively to design an information poster on a tree of their choice. We have been learning all about Mé Féin, speaking and writing all about ourselves. Tá an páistí ag obair go dian. For art the children used their knowledge of symmetry, shading and line drawing to finish their own portrait.

Student of the Week (10/09/21)

Global Goals
The children have been learning about the 17 Global Goals. We talked about how we can help reach these goals by 2030. We want to spread the word to eradicate poverty, hunger and save our planet. We all have the skills to be creative and innovative in order to make a change.

Student of Week 03/09

Vegetable Garden
What a lovely surprise to start the school year with some lovely turnips, beetroot and potatoes. Yummy! (August 2021)

Ice Cream Challenge Treat
The children were working towards an Ice-Cream treat over the previous few weeks. They earned their reward today with ice-cream, chocolates, sprinkles and syrup! Ice-cream for breakfast – Yummy!!!

World Math Day : 5th May
The children enjoyed card games in the morning and maths with Lego in the afternoon. One group designed a clock and another group created a bar chart on the amount of Legos hit during bowling.

Stop Motion Studio Videos
The children created videos promoting ways to save the planet.
Clerihew Poetry
A Clerihew poem is a four line comical verse poem. Clerihews are funny and written about people or characters. It has a specific rhyme scheme – AABB.
Gerry the dog,
went over the log.
He’s a very good dog,
and he jumps like a frog!
Santa’s Little Reindeer,
had a floppy ear.
When he was guiding the sleigh,
He went the wrong way!
Patrick Star,
can run so far.
He has a ping pong for a brain,
he lives in a house with no drain!
Iron Man,
built like a can.
He lives in a huge house,
and he screams like a mouse!
Scooby Doo,
likes to eat my shoe.
He is playful and funny,
but he screams like a bunny!
Trinket my pony,
she likes to eat baloney.
She rolls like a dog,
and jumps like a frog!

Book in a Box for World Book Day

More Fantastic Work
Home Learning
Below are some of the great projects and art the children have been creating at home. We are so proud of the hard work they are doing! Well done everyone!
Amelia Earhart

Christmas Haiku Poems

Medieval Ireland
The children enjoyed a Zoom call with Tralee Education Centre on life in Medieval Ireland. We learned loads about the food they ate, the clothes they wore and what games children liked to play. We created a mind map on our tablets about everything we learned.

Christmas Around the World
The children completed great projects about Christmas Around the World. They designed their project and ideas on a 2 page spread in their SESE Books. The worked very hard to design a colourful and informative project!
Did you know in Macedonia they celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January? In Belgium they put wooden shoes in front of the fireplace instead of Christmas stockings.
In The Congo they have very long Church Services that could last throughout the night!
In Australia Santa wears a shorts, t-shirt and sunglasses because it is summer time in Australia.
In Toronto they have a tradition of doing a Santa Parade.

An Nollaig
The children wrote some great Irish Stories faoi An Nollaig! Bualadh Bos.

Persuasive Writing: The children have been learning how to write a persuasive piece of text. The children are trying to persuade the owner of a shop to use their donut in sell in the shop. They really enjoyed describing their favourite flavour of donuts.

No Homework : The boys and girls persuaded their teacher with their excellent persuasive writing skills to have a no homework night!! They won and earned a night off homework!

Poetry: The children love writing poems. These are some adjective poems using synonyms for Good, Bad and Ugly!

Friendship : The children talked about all the things that make a good friend and created a lovely art activity using our friendship vocabulary.

Halloween : We read the story “Mary and Frankenstein”, drew a Picasso style Frankenstein and wrote a blurb for the book! We created a silhouette of a haunted house and dressed up for Halloween. We had great fun making witches and ghosts!