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Author: Mrs Kenny

World Book Day

World Book Day

The children celebrated World Book Day today. Well done to everybody on theirs amazing costumes. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day. I

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎅🏻

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎅🏻

Christmas Baking

The Senior Room had great fun decorating some yummy treats, Christmas style. They look too good to eat. Thank you to Wexford Education Centre for providing this free online class for schools.

Christmas Jumper Day

Thank you to all the boys and girls today, 10th December, who wore festive clothing and Christmas jumpers to raise money for The Children’s Health Foundation.

Christmas Santa

The children in the Senior Room drew Santas using a free flow style with black crayon/oil pastel and painted their jolly Santas using acrylic paint. They turned our fantastic. Ho ho ho!

Science Week Fun

Science Week Fun

Wow! What a week of science we have had, from building bridges, creating an electrical circuit, making an apple clock, blowing big bubbles, exploding coke, lava lamps, crystals and much much more.
We took part in a zoom with Kerry Science Festival. Below are some of the amazing things we learned:

Lodestone is a natural magnet that was discovered by accident 9,000 years ago.
The earth is a big magnet.
Sea Turtles and the Bogong Moth use the earths magnetic field to travel.
The fastest train travels at 600km per hour and is supported by a magnetic field.
The highest jump on a trampoline is 6.7metres.
Science is Everything!!

6th Class Graduation

6th Class Graduation

Best of Luck to our 6th Class pupils on their journey to secondary school. Congratulations to Everyone who won awards today and over the last few weeks.

Junior Room Camán Everybody

Junior Room Camán Everybody

The Junior Room painted mini hurls to help them learn how to hold a hurl and where to it the ball. Thank you to Conor Daly (GPO) for teaching the children of All Saints’ GAA. They have really enjoyed learning GAA skills.

Active School Week

Active School Week

  • On Monday the children enjoyed Rugby lessons.
  • Tuesday we played outdoor fun games. The children had to beat the teacher in a skipping competition.
  • Wednesday we joined P.E with Maths. The children completed a fun maths trail.
  • On Thursday we had an timed obstacle course.
  • Friday we enjoyed GAA with Conor.