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Author: Mrs Kenny

6th Class Graduation

6th Class Graduation

Best of Luck to our 6th Class pupils on their journey to secondary school. Congratulations to Everyone who won awards today and over the last few weeks.

Junior Room Camán Everybody

Junior Room Camán Everybody

The Junior Room painted mini hurls to help them learn how to hold a hurl and where to it the ball. Thank you to Conor Daly (GPO) for teaching the children of All Saints’ GAA. They have really enjoyed learning GAA skills.

Active School Week

Active School Week

  • On Monday the children enjoyed Rugby lessons.
  • Tuesday we played outdoor fun games. The children had to beat the teacher in a skipping competition.
  • Wednesday we joined P.E with Maths. The children completed a fun maths trail.
  • On Thursday we had an timed obstacle course.
  • Friday we enjoyed GAA with Conor.
Earth Day Celebrations

Earth Day Celebrations

The children learned loads for earth day and had great fun making crowns from all things natural. We planted fruit and vegetables in our garden and some wildflowers for the busy bees.

Green Schools Work

The children are working very hard towards their 7th Green School Fag: Global Citizenship Energy. They had great fun designing a new way to save energy using Lego. The children had some amazing ideas.
We hope you enjoy reading their poems on the theme of Energy.
Our Green School Motto is : Turn it off! Switch it off! Plug it out! REPEAT!

Our Easter Garden.