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Author: Mrs Kenny

World Book Day 2023

World Book Day 2023

The children were fantastic today in their World Book Day costumes! They talked about their characters and why they were their favourite! We discussed the importance of reading – reading books that you love and enjoy! We created animations on flipgird, made potato characters and played board games. The children are working on book covers also of their favourite books. We visited the library and decided to blend into a book!! How cool!!!

Well done everyone (including the teachers!)

Science Blast 2023

Science Blast 2023

What a fantastic day we had in the RDS at the Science Blast Competition. The Senior Room thoroughly enjoyed the day out and showcased their project “Can you tell the difference in regular and diet drinks?” The judge was very impressed with their scientific investigations, their knowledge and understanding of the topic and commended them on all of their hard work! Well done everyone and thank you to Science Blast for such a well run, organised event.

Paracord Bracelets

Paracord Bracelets

We would like to say a huge thank you to one our parents from coming in to show the children how to make their own survival paracord bracelets! Well done to everyone for giving it a try and for helping each other along the way. Didn’t they turn out great?? This took time and patience so well done children!

Ireland Reads Initiative 2023

Ireland Reads Initiative 2023

Ireland Reads Initiative “Squeeze in a Read” – The children got together to read some books to each other. We also had DEAR time and started a new podcast “The Mysterious Disappearance of Mars Patel”. We can’t wait to read and listen to more.

A Goodbye, See You Soon, Assembly

A Goodbye, See You Soon, Assembly

Today, on a bright, beautiful spring day, we said goodbye to Archdeacon Ruth with a school assembly. The children wrote a thank you poem from the junior room that really showed our appreciation for everything Ruth has done for us over the past 10 years. The senior room wrote prayers and a goodbye poem that would bring a tear to your eye.

We sang songs and enjoyed a little dance! We will miss Archdeacon Ruth’s entertaining and enjoyable assemblies. We thank her for all of her guidance, support and friendship over the years and we look forward to visiting her for a picnic on her new front lawn. We wish her every success and best wishes on the start of her new journey.

Children’s Mental Health Week 2023

Children’s Mental Health Week 2023

The children have been learning how to look after their mental this week in school. We have read books, listened to music, done mindful meditation, drew pictures and to finish off our week we went to the playground in Carnew to get some fresh air and have some well deserved fun! And the staff enjoyed a coffee!

Our Greenschool Code

Our Greenschool Code

This year we continue to work on our Greenschool Flag: Global Citizenship: Marine Environment. We wrote some Greenschool Codes in groups and we then voted on the one we loved best. Well done to all the children on writing great codes for our school and learning all about the importance of our oceans.