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Author: Mrs Kenny

Annual Admissions Notice 2024-25

Annual Admissions Notice 2024-25

Please click on the link below to view our Annual Admissions Notice.

The school will commence accepting applications for admission on 15th January 2024
The school shall cease accepting applications for admission on 6th February 2024
The date by which applicants will be notified of the decision on their
application is 26th February 2024
The period within which applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer
of admission is 19th March 2024

We will have an Open Day in January.

Addams Family Competition

Addams Family Competition

Well done and huge congratulations to our 5th Class pupil for winning 1st Prize in his category in the Carnew Musical Society Art Competition. We are looking forwarding to the show. Best of luck to everyone.

Anti-Bullying Week 13th – 17th Nov

Anti-Bullying Week 13th – 17th Nov

We have kicked off our Anti-Bullying Week with ODD Socks Day – It is ok to be different! Make a noise and promote Anti-Bullying this week!!! The children are working on one act of kindness each day as a scavenger hunt. Great start to the week. Well done everyone.

Hallowe’en Celebrations

Hallowe’en Celebrations

Well we had some very spooky, fun, creative and original costumes this Hallowe’en! Well done everyone! We also enjoyed some fun old fashioned hallowe’en games and scary, slimy experiments. We hope everyone has a lovely mid-term and we can’t wait for what is in store next term.

Notification of Child Safeguarding & Risk Assessment and Anti-Bullying Reviews

Notification of Child Safeguarding & Risk Assessment and Anti-Bullying Reviews

The Board of Management would like to notify all parents and pupils of the review of our Child Safeguarding Statement & Risk Assessment and our Anti-Bullying Policy. These policies can be found on our school website and are readily available to view from our school office.

Maths Week Celebrations

Maths Week Celebrations

The whole school celebrated Maths Week with plenty of educational games and activities. The Senior Room made fun and active math games for the Juniors to enjoy. We used our Math Eyes to take pictures around the classroom and create questions based on our chosen pictures. We used some yummy sweets to see how many different ways we could sort them and designed a graph to represent our information. Well done everyone!

World Mental Health Day & French Baking

World Mental Health Day & French Baking

The children celebrated World Mental Health day by enjoying some afternoon tea with the whole school. We decided to have a cup of tea, a sandwich, a biscuit but most importantly a chat!

Thank you Mrs. O’Driscoll for doing some French recipes with us using apples from our school garden. They were scrumptious.

Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Welcome back to all our pupils and families. We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new Junior Infants as they embark on the start of their journey through primary school. We are excited to welcome back Ms Whelan to the Junior Room and Mrs O’Driscoll our SNA who also teaches us French. We hope everyone has a great year and we look forward to a fun year of teaching and learning ahead.