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Author: Mrs Kenny

School Activites

School Activites

September has been a busy month! We made the most out of the weather at the start of the month by visiting the playground.

We celebrated the Harvest Festival with Kilcommon National School. Well done to all the boys and girls. It was a great success.

We have recently celebrated World Mental Health Day with some baking with Ms.Doyle and we learnes all abput the charity GOAL. We wore Jerseys to raise awareness of all the good work they do.

Just have a look at how busy we have been!

Welcome Back to School

Welcome Back to School

We are delighted to welcome everyone back to school especially those who have started with us and our new Junior Infants! We wish everyone every success and happiness for the school year ahead.

Huge thank you to the Dagge family for their kind donation of a swing set and play house to the school. They renovated one for us over the summer break and we are so grateful! The children are having so much fun. Take a look.

The Big Kids even love it!!
End of Year Celebrations 2024

End of Year Celebrations 2024

Well done to all the pupils on a fantastic performance of “Oliver Twist”. The pupils worked so hard on learning all their words and songs and we are all very proud of their enthusiasm and dedication to making sure the show went great!

Best of luck to our 6th Class pupils who embark on a new chapter in their lives. We wish them every success and happiness in their future education.

Congratulations to those who won our annual poetry awards and Student of the Year!

Trips, Visitors and Fun

Trips, Visitors and Fun

The children have had great fun the last few weeks with a trip to Avondale Tree Top Walk, a visit from some amazing birds, trying to make bubbles bounce, soccer blitz and much more!!! What a lovely summer term we are having!

Confirmation 2024

Confirmation 2024

Congratulations to all the candidates who made their confirmation last weekend and on reaching this significant milestone in their lives. Embrace this gift of confirmation with joy and let your faith shine brightly in all that you do.

School Tour in Fort Lucan

School Tour in Fort Lucan

The children joined Kilcommon National School for their school tour this year in Fort Lucan. We were blessed with the weather and the company. Would highly recommend taking a trip there over the holidays but remember to bring spare clothes. The water slides went down a treat! Thank you to Kilcommon for asking us to join them! Everyone had a fantastic day.

Meet the Author and Irish Guide Dog

Meet the Author and Irish Guide Dog

Thank you to Coláiste Bhríde for inviting us to join them in meeting author Helena Duggan. We were delighted to meet her again and look forward to reading her next book series “The Light Thieves”. We even got her to sign a book and picture!

It was great to learn so much about the Irish Guide Dogs and the huge training programme that they go through. They really are remarkable and well done to Colásite Bhríde on raising funds and awareness for this programme. Well done Paddy and we hope you enjoy your retirement.

Bishop’s Art Overall Winner!

Bishop’s Art Overall Winner!

Huge Congratulations to our Senior Infant pupil who won the overall prize in the Bishop’s Art Competition for her lovely stained glass window design. We are so very proud – what a huge achievement for our school! Well done to everyone who entered and made some lovely pieces of art!

Learning & Playing in the Sun!

Learning & Playing in the Sun!

When the sun comes out we try our best to make the most of it with educational activities such as Math’s Trails, Geography trails, Cleaning up our local playground and some well deserved fun!

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Bhaineamar an taitneamh as an tseachtaine seo le go leor imeachtaí gaeilge – ag damhsa, ag canadh, ag scríobh, ag caint, ag tarraingt, lá glas agus ag éisteacht le grúpa ceol traidisiúnta ó Coláiste Bhríde! Bhí siad go hiontach! Féach ar ár bpictúirí: