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Author: Mrs Kenny

Earth Day Celebrations

Earth Day Celebrations

The children learned loads for earth day and had great fun making crowns from all things natural. We planted fruit and vegetables in our garden and some wildflowers for the busy bees.

Green Schools Work

The children are working very hard towards their 7th Green School Fag: Global Citizenship Energy. They had great fun designing a new way to save energy using Lego. The children had some amazing ideas.
We hope you enjoy reading their poems on the theme of Energy.
Our Green School Motto is : Turn it off! Switch it off! Plug it out! REPEAT!

Our Easter Garden.

We welcome the partial reopening of schools on Monday 1st of March. Our Junior Infants, 1st and 2nd Class are looking forward to getting back to school along with all the staff and whole school community. Our Senior Room will return Monday 15th March. Our Covid-19 School Response Plan has been updated and can be viewed on request.

Child Safeguarding Annual Review

Child Safeguarding Annual Review

Our Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment Annual Review was ratified at our Board of Management Meeting via Zoom on Thursday 25th February 2021. This policy can be viewed in the Policy Section of our website.