School Calendar 2023-2024
Term 1
School Reopens: School reopens at 9am on Tuesday 29th August.
Mid-Term: School will close from Monday 30th October to Friday 3rd November inclusive.
Christmas: School will close at 12 noon on Wednesday 22nd December.
Term 2
Start: School reopens at 9am on Monday 8th January 2024.
Discretionary Day School will close on Friday 2nd February.
Bank Holiday: School will close on Monday 5th February.
Mid-Term: School will close on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th February.
St. Patrick’s Day: School will close on Friday 18th March.
Easter Break: School will close at 12 noon on Friday 22nd March.
Term 3
Start: School reopens at 9am on Monday 8th April.
Bank Holiday: School will be closed on Monday 6th May.
Bank Holiday: School will be closed on Monday 3rd June.
Finishing Date: School will close at 12 noon on Friday 21st June 2024.
Please note this calendar is subject to change at short notice in exceptional circumstances and may need to be revised following further guidance from the Department of Education & Skills.